The Acts of Peace and Kindness I Could do as a Gift

The acts of peace I could do as a gift is to encourage everyone to love each other rather than showing some hatred because showing some love leads us to peacefulness.
The acts of kindness I could do as a gift are helping my fellow countrymen according to their heavy problems so that they can feel better.

The Things I do to Trash waste

The things that I can do at home or work to trash waste at school or home are to manage our surroundings, clean and make it sure to follow the instructions that you have learned. Besides, your garbage will be manage in throwing in the right place or in the biodegradable or non-biodegradable. The biodegradable is the garbage that can be ratten and the non-biodegradable is the garbage that cannot be ratten. In fact,this way is very useful to our environment so that our Mother Nature will be saved.

Keeping My Self, Others, Planet healthy

The things I can do to keep my self healthy are we should be aware of what should we do or to care ourself. You should have to exercise everyday and eat a good food to get a good hygiene and also to our environment, we should cooperate the things that is good for us specially to our garbage, we will always make sure that our surroundings are very clean and keep our garbage in the right way. We should have to save our Mother Nature for our safety because this is the way so that we can't get a sick or disease.

Goals to be Reach this Year

The goals or accomplishments I would like to reach or attain this year are my studies in college because studying is the most very important thing in my life and I really wanted to achieve this. I want to accomplished my studies because of my parents that I want to help their problems especially on their financial problems and also to give importance in my studies. Studying also are the best way that you can work and be a professional. And this is also the way that you can get a good future.

The People that Influenced Me Most Throughout My Life

The people that influenced me most throghout my life are my beloved parents because though them I was born in this fantastic world and full of mysteries. I can say this because through their inspirational love and care for me, they enriched me well. and because of their lessons that I learned, I can manage myself as a women or a youth in my country. I am very proud of my parents because they give birth, and most of all they shown me how their love is. And most of all if without them, I dont know what should I do because they are my inspiration.